Exhibition Journey #6

By Harper Walter and Deveer Yadav, 6GP

The past week in Exhibition we continued our research process and started to think about the inquiry cycle. We also started to look at our focus piece. A focus piece is one of the most important parts of our exhibition boards, it is a visual representation of our all-round theme. This helps people to see our message in a creative way. A focus piece could be anything ranging from a drawing to a digital piece. In our groups for exhibition, everyone helps to contribute to our focus piece, it’s a group project.

This week we have been adding a lot to our boards. We have added our research, designs, central ideas, lines of inquiry and more. We have tried to make our boards as interesting and helpful as we can, so that people can be intrigued by them. Some people have also started to add some decoration.

We had a slam poet Andrew Cox attend who inspired us to use poetry as a form of expression.

In Week 7 we also had a full Year 6 rehearsal for our presentation for the start of Exhibition. All the teachers were there and all the students. We practised with the orchestra, and featured dancers. We also practised singing our song and doing the collective dance. It’s starting to look good!
