RTC waste management update

Facilities Manager Craig Webber with members of the RTC

By Gemma Voortman and Erik Greenberg (Year 6)

On the Tuesday of Week 3 the Radford Tribal Council (RTC) went to look at the waste management site at Radford.

We saw the three big hoppers of waste that get emptied every single day. There was one paper bin that gets emptied two times a week. In the recycling bin there was lots of waste and recycling. The paper bins were not being used for paper but for rubbish so they took them out of the playgrounds. We saw an extraordinary amount of recycling in the rubbish bin. There was a disgustingly large amount of compost being put in the rubbish when they should put it in the compost bin.

The RTC was shocked to learn the monthly cost to get rid of all this waste. We want to do better and have come up with some plans.

We have:

  • Created posters to show people which bins to place items in.
  • Complied lists of items you can buy from the Radford Canteen that are fully recyclable.
  • Listed items that are waste-free birthday treats for students to share at school.
  • Made posters to encourage people to be waste free.

We hope to see some big improvements!

RTC waste posters
Helpful posters created by the RTC
